
Optimal Experience

MCT is also capable of providing building construction services. With experienced project managers available, MCT optimizes material, labor, time, and economic resources for every project endeavor. Having a construction manager on board early on can make a huge difference in the success of a project. A strong pre-construction plan will set the tone for the entire project.

The Building Construction Services offered by Maestre Construction Inc. are as follow:

  • Concrete Restoration
  • Waterproofing
  • Painting
  • Structural Shell Construction
  • Project Scheduling
  • Coordination and Supervision
  • Project Management
  • Means and Methods of Construction
  • Project Accounting
  • Management of the design and construction phases
  • Establishment of cost, time and quality parameters
  • Cost analysis
  • Preparation of bid packages to select three responsible   and responsive bids per trade. MCT will analyze all bids for price and scope compliance, and will recommend a selection.

As mentioned previously, Maestre Construction Inc. also provides Design-Build services for Building Construction. Additionally Maestre Construction Inc. may provide Value Engineering for all projects, both in building construction and heavy civil construction.

Value engineering involves three initial questions, that will lead to an analysis of components: What is the item’s function, what is the items cost, and are there any other ways of performing the function at the same or a reduced cost while maintaining quality and performance?

Value engineering services helps clients save a substantial sum per project; lowering construction costs and providing a larger return on their investment. But the value methodology isn’t just about reducing unnecessary costs. It’s an idea that leads to better problem-solving, improved organizational decision making, and productivity.